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Demand Answers About Becky Holzinger

Why is she posting grainy cell phone footage of a person running down the street? Is it the killer? What if it isn't? What if they were just running from gunshots? What if someone, because this footage gets posted, gets shot? Will Becky Holzinger be held legally liable? Why does Becky Holzinger think that no one else is publishing the video? Not LNP. Not Fox 43. Not WGAL. Not CBS. No one! Oh right, because those are actual news organizations!

Maybe Becky Holzinger missed it the first time, but maybe the police are keeping the cards close to the vest and not just blurting out loud what they know on some blog? Just a wild guess.

Why does Becky Holzinger think the video is clear? Because someone said so? Has she seen the clear video? And even if it were clear, how could anyone readily identify the person. Cameras have limitations. Becky Holzinger doesn't seem to understand that. If the camera is even 100 feet away, it might not be able to clearly catch something like a face or license plate with significant clarity. There are hundreds upon thousands upon millions of people in the state of Pennsylvania. Even if someone did recognize the person if the video was clear enough, do you think they would turn them in if they were good friends? This is why it is an active police investigation. The police are doing their job and do not need the help of some kook on the internet with her wild conspiracy theories.

If this guy gets wind that there is video evidence, will it make it more difficult for the police to apprehend them? Will he flee? Is Becky Holzinger putting the people of Lancaster at risk with her irresponsible journalism? It has been several days since Becky Holzinger posted a screen shot. Why doesn't she have a name yet? What did she accomplish?

Demand answers from Becky Holzinger. Why is she potentially hindering Lancaster police investigations? A complaint has been filed with the Philadelphia police. Maybe Becky Holzinger can answer a few questions down at the station. And if she is held liable in any lawsuit, you can't say I didn't try to warn you. Please check back later today.

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